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Instructor Registry or MATCH Registry

Welcome to the registries for instructors and MATCH professionals working with early childhood and afterschool professionals and programs in Vermont.

Select the tab below for the registry you want to enter. You can use the same username and password for both registries. In order to be listed in each registry you must submit an application and be approved by Northern Lights at CCV.

Instructor Registry

Before you apply, consider your experience, education and skills as an instructor of adults.

  • Look at the Instructor Levels and decide where you currently fit in it. This is the level to which you should apply.
  • Consider any training you have received related to teaching adults - a workshop, a course or part of course. If you haven’t received this yet, you must meet this requirement within your first year of approval into the Instructor Registry.
  • Consider all the instruction of adults (staff, parents or other professionals) you have done in the past three years. Make a list including the dates, hours, and the instruction topics. Given the level for which you are applying, check to see if you have enough hours of instruction given.
  • You will need documentation to verify your education level, unless you have taught in higher education. Make a photocopy of your diploma, or college transcripts. Copies must include your name, and the official name/logo of the higher ed. institution.
  • If you have taught in higher education, you will not have to provide a diploma or transcript for this application, as we assume the college already reviewed this when they hired you.
  • If you are applying at the Affiliate I, Affiliate II or Specialist I level with less than 10 hours of teaching experience, you will need to identify a supporting instructor who is already in the Instructor Registry at the Certified or Master level. You can search the Instructor Registry by region to locate a supporting instructor near you. Contact that person and ask if he or she will be your supporting instructor. This person will guide you in preparing to instruct, observe you, and help you to reflect on your instruction.

Yes,I am interested in being an instructor or already am an instructor.

Existing users, log in here: Note the same login is used for both MATCH and the Instructor Registry

If you already have a IR account with us, enter your email address and password here.

forgot password?

If you need to update your e-mail address and have forgotten your log-in password, contact Northern Lights at (802) 540-8168 or

If you do not have an Instructor Registry account, start here...

The password you choose, along with the email address entered here, will allow you to return to your application/profile at any time.
(first, last)




  © Northern Lights at Community College of Vermont